Monday, May 12, 2008


So today I have spent the entire day in bed, I was so tired it hurt. Newton wasn't bullshitting when he made that comment about what goes up must come down.
Someone that IS going to need uppers this week is of course my dear friend NixX, who is starting her new 9 to 5 job tomorrow. And for someone who managed to stretch her time as a student up to 7 years and has been working the McJob for just as long, it's quite a switch. We're all really excited for her and we try to support her as much as possible. And she's gonna need it because she is having a real hard time coping with the fact that she'll no longer be working with me. So NixX, hang in there baby, and look at it from the bright side: You'll have a lot more money to take me out and buy me stuff. I promise you can take me out shopping when that first paycheck comes round.

To make you feel good I'll put up some new songs of a band I know you love:

Nine Inch Nails- Lights In The Sky

Just kidding, please don't play that song when you go to work tomorrow. It could take days before someone looks in your cubicle and finds out that you've strangled yourself with a serial cable. So leave the cables, scissors and white-out alone and listen to this.

Nine Inch Nails- Discipline

That's better right?

I like NIN and some songs really turn me on but I do get that Jamiroquai feel sometimes, where all songs sound the same.
But I will buy this album just because they have given people the chance to download the entire album for free. And I think that's cool....if you're Nine inch Nails. I can imagine other artists getting pissed cause they need to sell records and can't afford those online Radiohead shenanigans. Although not as pissed as it makes me to read that Metallica might do the same thing, and saying that makes me just as much of a hypocrite as Lars Ulrich.

Anyways, hurray for Reznor who has of the finest asses in music and you can download the new Nine Inch Nails album The Slip here. (The title, The Slip, gives me the chills but that's a language joke for the locals.....I hate that word!)


Hey NixX, I made you a special 'this is gonna lead to sex on the copy machine' please don't be greedy and make sure you post one of those action copies. After writing about NIN I realized this blog could use some more ass (or tits, depending on your opinion about Reznor and the way you are gonna work that copy machine).


Anonymous said...

Well, I'm going to need that tape first darling. I haven't exactly found any copy-worthy material just yet. O, and it's actually 8fucking30 to 430..
But thanx for the moral support darling!! And for the white-out tip. And my favourite rockstar to wake up with. Next to Dave Grohl of course. ;) Miss you already!!

Anonymous said...

GodDAMN he's sexy!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry 'bout that, I just couldn't help myself..

Anonymous said...

yeah, I know what you like....

Anonymous said...

Also it's nice to know we'll still have someone to 'get them offa that damn island' if, God forbid, anything should ever happen to Matthew Fox.

Add a little stubble, a little tan and we're good to go.