Friday, February 29, 2008


1. I'm sorry mister train cleaner, I didn't mean to throw up in your train. But if you had cleaned the toilet better I would have used that instead of the floor, really. I realize now that my sad attempt to cover it up with newspaper might have made it even worse to clean up. So sorry mister janitor.

2. I'm sorry tall metallica hoody wearing dude from Wales, I didn't mean to use you as a human towel all night. But to be fair, I did get permission from your friend. I never got your name, probably because I didn't ask. Or talked to you at all for that matter...You have nice friends though.

3. I'm sorry mom, for having no self respect whatshowever and being one of those girls. But please try to understand I only act like that because I have low self esteem. And my therapist told me that you are partially responsible for that...And tits are genetically passed down talents....Anyway, I did it again and I'm sorry.

This is a sculpture made by Duane Hanson


Thursday, February 28, 2008


Right now I'm thinking of going to the Queens of the stone age, and I have 4 more hours to make up my mind. I have wanted to see this band live for 3 whole months now! (see, that sarcasm is my way of talking myself out of it) No seriously, I've never really been into Qotsa until I saw this clip of them performing misfit love at Henry Rollins.

This right here is the definition of awesomeness....This song feels like techno and I'm hoping some day that 58 minute instrumental version shows up.

I bought songs for the deaf long time ago and liked it but hearing no one knows all day everyday on the radio pissed me of so much, i just thought fuck it. Not only that but those qotsa/eagles of death metal/dessert session/foo fighter/and-what-not fans creep me out a bit. Those people sleep in front of venues and get all massive obsessive and shit, it's just wack.


Why not go?
It's sold out (???WTF???) but that's not a problem, I always get in (sounds arrogant but it's true). The problem is I only have about 129,- left for the rest of the month and I will seriously die of liver failure if I get wasted again, which I'll probably be before I even get there. And it took 3 days and 2 seasons of lost to recover from last saturday. (btw, thanks for that NixX, I had a great time)

I have to quit writing now, I need to get dressed...


Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Okay, so I was really angry after coming back from the apple store today but fuck that. I just watched this clip and it could very well be the new alternative for that anger management counseling bullshit. Or euthanasia, I nearly died laughing.


Monday, February 25, 2008

Going Deep

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Thursday, February 21, 2008


So yeah you know those mac geniuses? Neither do I, there are fucking idiots working at those mac stores. Words can not describe how fucking pissed off I am right now. I would express myself in Britney but I don't think that could get it across either.

LIES ALL LIES, apple might just as well cast Tom Cruise for their next commercial.

I had an Ipod once, I dropped it in a cup of coffee and found it there an hour later, after I had remembered I made a cup of coffee. I took it back to the store and got a free new Ipod, and thought 'Gosh, these apple people sure are nice!'
That new Ipod lasted for about a year, so I went back and they said they told me that I couldn't get a new one because the first one (The Brazilian cinnamon roast one) was bought over a year ago. Although the replacement one they had given me was less then a year old they still refused. But hey, I can live with that I wanted a new video version anyway. So I got me a new Ipod.
Then one day I decided to part ways with my good ol pc and switch to a MacBook.
Something I regret more than that Prince tattoo on my ass.
First I couldn't use the 300 euro drawing tablet I already had. Then Garageband kept crashing. Then the dvd writer went to hell. Then 2 pixels passed away. Then the magnet thingy to close the damn thing with came loose. And in the end the hard drive started to make funny noises and died on me.
Now this all happened in before I even finished paying the fucker. Last week I took it too the mac store and they said they would fix it or get me a new one.


First I thought great I'm getting a new mac and I have some back-ups so throw the old thing away. Then I realized their are bootlegs and photo's of my now dead cat on there that I can't replace. Not to mention a list of all my passwords and other stuff I need to log in. (Yes, I'm an idiot I can't remember shit like that.) So I called the 'geniuses', and they told me it was broken and they where going to replace just the hard drive. So I was like what is going to happen to the old one and they said they where tossing it. I know a Computer Doctor so I was like no give it back or put the shit on a external hard drive....I'll pay. That for some reason couldn't be done, and after 10 minutes of bitching and whining she said she would call the person in charge and call me back later about what would happen to my hard drive.
I was about to hang up when I realised...... the hard drive mmmm.... WHAT ABOUT ALL THAT OTHER SHIT THAT DOESN'T WORK?!?!
So apparently I'm just going to have to learn to live with a lose magnet, a dvd-drive that doesn't work and a dead pixel infection. So I just asked how long she thinks my old Macbook will last:
' just long enough for the warranty to expire?' and then hung up.

I work with costumers and I know this kind of approach doesn't work but she pissed me off so bad, I just couldn't help myself. It was not just the macbook thing but also the fact that I just bought 5 new cds and I want to put them on my Ipod really bad, but I can't cause if I hook my Ipod up to my pc it's tells me it's going to have to reset itself because it has a mac index now. And some of the bootlegs that are on my Ipod I only have on my Ipod and my macbook, that may or may not already be gone.

So yeah, now that I got that out of my system. Check this link and try to tell me that it's not one of the most awesome things you've ever heard!


Friday, February 15, 2008

The Happiness of Sweeny Todd

Talking about films: what is up with the fucking hype about Sweeny Todd?? I mean, I haven't seen the movie myself, but seriously. All this talk about Johnny Depp being 'such a great singer'. My ass! I happen to be a big Depp-fan, but I have seen some promo's and trust me, the man can NOT sing. Judge for yourself:

Not such a big success, ey? But maybe I'm not the best person to judge. I've never been much of a musical fan. But I do have a favourite! It is by the wonderful Japanese director Miike Takashi. This man is one of the most productive filmmakers ever with over 60 films in 13 years! He is mostly known for his very violent films, such as Ichi the Killer, Visitor Q, the Dead Or Alive trilogy and Hostel. All the more reason to be surprised by this comic musical he squeezed out in between: Katakuri-ke no kôfuku, also known as: The Happiness of the Katakuris!

Trust me, it kicks serious ass. By the way, Nero wants to add that her dad is a gay pussy because he wants to live on Musical-lane (who on earth would WANT to name a street that?!)
And another by the way: Visitor Q is promoted as the most shocking and horrible film Takashi ever made. So I had my hopes set high when I saw that! But I was a bit disappointed when all it turned out to be was a lot of milk flying around and a father having sex with his daugther in a whore-house. So I'm up for a challenge! Anyone who has some good shocking tips: bring it on!
And by shocking I DON'T mean two girls and one cup.....


Thursday, February 14, 2008

Fake documentary or wishful thinking?

Talking about politics, and integration problems, Neeineei and I saw this film last night:

It is an eerie realistic preview of what might happen one day. Go see it!


Moral schmoral!

My country is in trouble. It has been for some time now. Of course, it's easy to get in trouble when a whole bunch of people have to live together on just a little bit of land. And as if there weren't enough of us here, a whole lot of other people from other countries came here to live with us. Now, I'm not that guy with the weird moustache and the spasm in his arm saying that our country is full. But I do believe that a lot of our current trouble started when other people decided to come here and never leave again.
Yes, I know this is a subject that nobody wants to touch with a fifty-foot pole. The word integration in itself is enough to make people walk on eggshells. But that is exactly where everything went wrong. From the very beginning of the immigration-era, our society has been walking on eggshells. With us not being clear to the newcomers from the very beginning about how life is lived over here, how can we expect them to know what the rules are?
By now it is too late to change that. To cover up this mistake from long ago, our politicians now like to emphasize the words tolerance and respect for religion when the moral debate is on. In my opinion however, you don't need religion in order to have proper morals. As a matter of fact, you're probably better off without religion. Sure, in theory all religions are based on peace and love. But we all know the practice is a whole different ballgame. And religion should definitely have no place in politics.
The solution to this problem is very simple actually. We go back to the line this country is famous for: just act normal. And no, it is not normal to beat a young girl to a pulp because she had sex with her boyfriend (notice how the guy always gets away with it?). Just as it is not normal to beat someone to death because they asked you to turn the music down or to stop beating up someone else.
I think if we all stick to two extra rules, there will be no more problems.

  1. I won't bother you if you won't bother me
  2. If it ain't yours, don't take it

(Rule number one includes playing loud music on your mobile phone on buses and trains. This bothers me and will result in the phone either being rammed down your own throat or thrown out the window. Headphones were invented for a reason you know.)
As far as religion is concerned: this also falls in the category of rule number one. You can practice it, as long as it doesn't bother me. For religion I am now making an extra rule by the way: if your God is as allmighty as you say he is, trust in him to solve the problem and punish the bad guys. It is not up to you to decide who is wrong and who is right.
There, now we can all live together peacefully again.


The Blues

In the category "express yourself in Britney" this is how I'm feeling today. This blog was created to talk about things we hate: well, right now I'm hating myself. I'm a sarcastic bitch with no life, no personality and a fucked up mind. Thank god there's always one thing to hate more than me: men.
That's right, I'm doing it, I'm putting in the man-bashing. I'm old, I'm bitter, there's nothing left for me to do but this. God I wish I could enjoy eating carpet.
Men suck! They are dogs that cannot be trusted and lead their lives in whatever direction their dicks point them. They are completely pointless, who needs them anyway? There's nothing they can do that I can't do better myself.

Well, except technical stuff, with wires and computers and shit.
And fixing the flat tires on my bike.
And assembling my Ikea-furniture.
And lifting heavy shit.

And killing spiders.

Ow fuck it. Fine, they can stay!


Monday, February 11, 2008



And not only that there are some cool things I can do with it, I get free wigs and I can have all sorts of alternative therapy and medicine.
Like these tiger penises for example.

Of course this is totally acceptable, just like not having any human rights when you live in China.
China is an important trading partner.....
Yeah right, like we don't have child labor or slaves in Europe or the US!?




Christ I'm SO getting fired tomorrow!
And when I called to make a new appointment with my therapist I found out that I'm not insured.
So I'm going to call some random isurance company's and ask if I'm a client.
I'll continue this post in 30 minustes and let you guys know if I have health insurance or not.


Saturday, February 2, 2008

Pepsie ??/??/??-02/02/2008

My cat died today. She is the person I spend the most time with the past 13 years. I've been crying for 3 days. And I'm crying right now. And right now I just don't know don't know..