Thursday, January 31, 2008

I won't grow up!

I wish I could call this guy my friend!

His name is Randy Constan and he lives in Tampa Florida. He has 'a thing' for Peter Pan so he dresses like peter pan and has a whole site dedicated to this character.
So check out his site here, or add him as a friend on myspace and show him some love.

People like this make you realize your friends suck.

I know y'all have been working hard for the self esteem you have, but let me tell you. Unless your this guy (or Prince) you suck. You're boring. And I know you think you're all that, but no. You'll never have the balls this man has.
(to be fair, he is wearing spandex, which makes it more obvious)

Next week NixX & Nero will hold the first ever 'I'll be the judge of that!' contest.

Everyone is free to enter the contest.
So what we would like to see is a drawing, an essay, a video, a song or a sculpture of your childhood hero. It really can be anyone or anything as long as you believed it when you where a kid. And you can express yourself anyway you want even in dance or in Britney. I personally would like to see a photo of you dressed up as your hero, but like I said anything goes.
As long as it tells us who/what your hero was and the reason why this was your savior.
Judges will be yours truly, NixX and my 80 something year old grandpafriend Bluebeard.

And now for the prize: The Winner will get an official 'Be a pixie' picture, signed by Randy 'Peter Pan' Constan himself.


Sunday, January 27, 2008

3 minutes

3 minutes ain't that long, but please watch this clip turn 3 minutes into....forevah.
It did not seem to end. I nearly died laughing.

I love how he keeps popping up every now and then!

I found this clip while looking into one of my old obsessions.
暴走族 (Bosozoku)。
Bosozoku are Japanese bike gangs that are really just a bunch of juvenile delinquents on with awesomely modified bikes. And their style is just the best thing ever!
During my time in Japan they used to drive through town every Friday running red lights, waving around flags and baseball bats and producing a ridicules amount of noise.
No doubt, I will post more about this subculture. Now that I think of it I might make an entire blog just about Japanese gangs. Yeah, I just love badasses!


edit: after writing this I ran into the deluxe edition....
It's 3 of them!!! And just when I thought it couldn't get any better.....

Saturday, January 26, 2008


can't say a word.. too much.. shock!

the horror! the horror the horror the horror..

I'm with you! Feeling more like this myself today. I was thinking of throwing in the red panties, but no-one wants to see that one, really.


Today, instead of using written word to communicate, let's express our selfs in Britney.

You come up with your own caption Y'all!


Friday, January 25, 2008

Fallen heroes

Just a short update on the fallen heroes of the week: they tried to make her go to rehab and she said yes yes yes! Sure, we all want Amy to live and be happy. And rehab is probably the only option left for her. But do we really want her to go there? When you think about it, honestly, what would be more fitting: her dying River Phoenix-style (or should I say Heath Ledger style? O, that's right, he didn't die of an overdose. Sure) or her becoming the new Sting all mellow and singing for the rights of the Indians and tantric sex? She might go Yoko Ono on our asses!

And the biggest loser of the week: Jared Leto! Former hunk turned skanklicker when caught in the arms -and liplock- of none other than hoochie-mama Paris Hilton. (I know, nobody uses that word, but I just had to do it once in my life) Even with his arm falling off in Requiem for a Dream he was lovable. I even forgave him for the stupid shit he did with 30 Seconds to Mars, but this does it! Jared, you are now officially blacklisted!

Lost and found

After the sad disillusionment of seeing Viggo Mortensen naked (I say he needs a nice tan, some longer hair with a little colour in it and a bit of stubble. No, strike that, he needs some clothes) I have to compensate with a hot (almost) naked guy. So Nero, I'm sorry for putting some commercial shit on our blog, but I have to get that naked fight out of my head, it's giving me nightmares. Yeah, it's all great that there is finally someone who has the guts to have a naked guy running around with no shame whatsoever. But let's face it, a limp sweaty dick flying all over the place really isn't all that attractive. I'm starting to get the point of why they always only show naked women in films. Not that I'm gay or anything. Except when it comes to Nero of course. Anyway. Here's a little hunk-a-lovin' man to wash the nastiness away.

Ahhh, Sawyer, the best band-aid any woman could ever ask for. Better than any Fa-girl I ever saw. Thank god the new season of Lost is starting in six days.. For anyone who can't wait for the weirdness: you can always go and check out this movie from the same team:

It's probably going to be a big disappointment though: Blairwitch meets Deep Impact meets Godzilla kind of thing. 'Cause that's all life really is: one big disappointment. I'm off. Gonna build a cage in my backyard. Maybe one day I'll wake up to find something crawled into it. Who knows, maybe even something like this..

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Introducing NeeiNeei

This one is for our dear friend NeeiNeei the Strange.
She is working on a paper about WOW right this very moment. 10 pages in 10 hours. Our prayers are with her.
Elf power 7 baby, elf power 7...


Full frontal

I was going to write about the crisis in the middle east but then I mentioned something about Aragon (or whatever the dude's name is, if you have watched more than one part of the LOTR trilogy you're gay. No really you are. Maybe gay isn't the right word. I'm down with gay people, they have blessed us with the Village People and Right Said Fred..........and AIDS (No, I'm kidding, I did not just write that......sorry) Anyways you're an emo fag! )
But I mentioned he's playing a Russian, fighting, in a sauna, naked. And NixX pretty much called me gay for not posting it sooner and she's right.

So fuck Israel and the fact that Palestinians are human beings. I've always thought food and fuel where overrated.
I can't wait till Israel accidentally nukes it's self, and the rest of the world won't be harmed because Israel has build those nice big walls. They are still building those walls by the way.....all around......big grey walls....with some barbwire here and there, like a park or camp if you will, and a high concentration of jews inside those walls....get where I'm going with this? Owwwww the Irony......

Anyway back to what really matter. Ow yesss full frontal male nudity!


Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I'm soooo sleepy

Today I have been mood swinging like a motherfucker. I went from tired to happy to slightly depressed. Then I was in love for about 4 hours and after that I just got pissed and now I'm back to tired again.
I also feared for my life today, remember the last post? Well I might be one of your dead myspace friends by next Monday.
Gosh Nero, having big plans for the weekend? No, I have zero plans for this weekend, yet I'll be fucked up Monday, how depressing is that.
I went to the hospital for a check up today and apparently my doctor is worried. Keep in mind that this is a lung&heart specialist that deals with hundreds of people with all sorts of lung diseases like 'the big C' (or as we call it the big K) everyday.
And it's not so much my lungs this time, I can combine the asthma and the cigarettes just fine.

No this time it's my liver that wants out. That fat fuck and I had a deal I would drink and he would breakdown the toxic substances. He did some other stuff but let's just say he was pretty preoccupied with the breaking down stuff.
And he was really really good at it (You where, my sweet sweet liver). But now the bitch wants out, and he wants half. Not only half, he wants to keep the house. Remember we're talking about my liver, not his body.

I guess he felt neglected next to my lungs, who are the center of attention every 10 minutes when I light a cigarette and I try to cough 'em up. Well, now he will get his chance to shine, Monday mourning when I have to be back in the hospital for some bad news.

Maybe my liver could hook up with Amy's liver, they could make little baby livers together and then one of the kids could move in with me. I just hope my liver wasn't related to this liver. (was that tasteless? I dunno...........whatever, people I'm the one dying here remember?!)

So Just in case, Nixx sweety , will you do something for me? If I ever die, although I'm still not fully convinced I can die, but if it turns out that i'm really not G.o.d. Could you please make sure nobody ever reads any of my writings. You can have my mac, my external hard drives and all nastiness that's on there. But for the love of god keep them away from anyone other that you, especially my parents. Also make sure they don't find out about any of my habits....
You know what, I'll drop by tomorrow and give you the keys to my place, as soon as I find them... Anyway make sure 'someone put it in my drink' (in my ice tea, I don't drink caffeine and alcohol remember). I think you know what to do with the music at the funeral, make 'em cry and then end with a little 'Me so horny' or 'Superfunkycalifragisexy' (any Right Said Fred is always good). Ow and please make sure my make-up looks good, and this is really important, NO BLUE EYESHADOW! I don't wanna look like hell when I'm meeting James Dean and River Phoenix for my first threesome in heaven (no pun intended). If it's really true that your hair keeps growing some more after you die, get that Iranian girl from work to fix my eyebrows. Make it look like I'm in that coffin because I was suffocated by my cleavage. What else...could you get my diaries cross out any names and leave them in a library when you go to Berlin. I know you can't do magic (what am i saying, of course you can) but, I would like to not be remembered as a lesbian. My aunt the shrink made that one up and I think the rest of my family believed that skank. And for fuck sake go and get a better job! That's it I think, one more thing, if by any chance 'saturnalia' by the Guttertwins is finally out get me a copy will you?

What's in it for you? There's 100 bucks hidden in the broken DVD player on my tv and some love hidden in a little red glittery box. If you don't want the box, flush it before they search my bedroom. Of course you can have all my books, movies, cd's and porn heels. And the sneakers, get the sneakers the pink adidas where an estimated 370 last time I checked.

Thanks NixX. Love ya!

This one's for you!


Monday, January 21, 2008

Because it's monday morning

If you haven't heard about this site yet, go check it out. It's called My Death Space and it's a great way to check who of your friends on myspace didn't survive the weekend.
It sure as hell made me feel a lot better about my weekend....
and a lot worse about still having Monday mornings....
while I could be dead instead....
and so could you....
but of course Amy couldn't.


Sunday, January 20, 2008

And the academy goes to....

Remember Andy Kaufman? He is now in the middle of his best performance ever.
The clip below shows Tom Cruise and it's freaky and scary and you're thinking to yourself: 'Gosh this guy is insane, he is even acting in his interviews.....It's's really really scary'. And then you'll go and ask your mother if scary people like this really exist in this world, and she will probably give you the whole 'don't do drugs' routine again.
But while all you people are shitting your pants, I am in fact laughing my ass off. Why?
Because I KNOW the truth.

And the truth is Andy Kaufman created the Tom Cruise. I swear, Kaufman had some plastic surgery and is now doing his best performance ever. And not only did he invent the 'crazy Cruise', Kaufman also invented Scientology. Which I find fucking genius, seriously it's the best joke ever.
So let's all celebrate scientology today because it has been providing us with great jokes for many years now. And not only that, scientology makes even the weirdest Jewish Hindumuslims feel good about them selfs and even more confident about their religious believes.

So there you have it, the truth is out. Tom Cruise is actually Andy Kaufman. And he should come out as soon as he's nominated for an academy award, because he's not only acting the tom cruise alter ego, he's also acting that he's acting in interviews. It's truly a brilliant performance.


This is how it works, if something is bothering Nixx it's bothering me.
If Nixx hates you I will kick your ass, virtually speaking. In real life I'd rape your parents and make you videotape it.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

I'll admit

I'm the pussy, but I don't want to get sued by some pie baking New Jersey mom when I'm posting things like this:

These photos are made by
one of the best photographers èvah.

I love making lists and this picture below is definitely up there in the top 3 of favorite photos.

So, I'm sorry Nixx. I had to get a warning thingy.



Yesssssss! We have been online for only five days and we have a content warning!! This can mean only three things:

a. We actually have readers!
b. Scientology is more powerful than we think
c. Nero put in a complaint to Google herself to make this blog look a little more interesting to new visitors.

O wait, it can mean one more thing!

d. People are pussies!


Friday, January 18, 2008


Look what I found, I think it's dead...


No more GnR for you...

So here's an important life lesson, learn to whistle. I never learned, and as a result of that, whenever I have a song stuck in my head I have to hum or sing. And when that song happens to be welcome to the jungle, I have to embarrass myself. Cause even when you think there's no one around and it's safe to quietly let out just a little bit of 'shun,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n KNEES, KNEES' it's still the same damn thing as raping a cat in a library. And half of the people in China* go:'Who gave that cat raping bitch a megaphone?!'**


*i.e. that one kindofcute guy at work.
**remember Katie Melua, the singer not the STD.

So no more GnR after this:

I love this Guns N' Roses clip. Slash fucking up and then going, 'yeah come on people' shaking his head. While Matt and Duff just have 'WTF?!' written all over.

Yeah... yeah, that's not really what happend, matt fucks up and slash is the one that goes wtf. But it's more fun the other way.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

You Bastards!

As you may have noticed, the fuckfaces of scientology removed the Youtube clip I referred to earlier, so as revenge the probably all too wellknown but still amazing other Tom Cruise footage of him making a complete ass of himself.



Easy victim, but always to be hated: Tom Cruise and his scientology crap. Notice how he doesn't actually say anything. And that wild look in his eyes. Fucking devil incarnate.


Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Currently hating: cheerful springbirds trying to ruin my perfectly comfortable winter depression.
O, and that whining cat in the back yard. Hmm.. wonder if I could combine the two, would be the perfect solution to all my problems.


Monday, January 14, 2008

I hate this blog already!

I really hate this shit I just spent 10 minutes trying to find this page and then another 20 just to log in. Never doing this again!

NERO (and how was your day?)

Sunday, January 13, 2008


So...the first ever post. When we started this I really for once didn't have anything to bitch about, well that all changed pretty fucking fast. It's now 9.30 in the morning and I have been hating html for 9 hours straight. I hate it and it's just stupid and every 5 minutes my ADD starts kicking in and I start doing something else and i already hate this blog and I hate html. But i did come across the perfect match for NixX, who has been sleeping all night. Naked!


I While I was up all night NixX was sleeping just like this.