My country is in trouble. It has been for some time now. Of course, it's easy to get in trouble when a whole bunch of people have to live together on just a little bit of land. And as if there weren't enough of us here, a whole lot of other people from other countries came here to live with us. Now, I'm not that guy with the weird moustache and the spasm in his arm saying that our country is full. But I do believe that a lot of our current trouble started when other people decided to come here and never leave again.
Yes, I know this is a subject that nobody wants to touch with a fifty-foot pole. The word integration in itself is enough to make people walk on eggshells. But that is exactly where everything went wrong. From the very beginning of the immigration-era, our society has been walking on eggshells. With us not being clear to the newcomers from the very beginning about how life is lived over here, how can we expect them to know what the rules are?
By now it is too late to change that. To cover up this mistake from long ago, our politicians now like to emphasize the words tolerance and respect for religion when the moral debate is on. In my opinion however, you don't need religion in order to have proper morals. As a matter of fact, you're probably better off without religion. Sure, in theory all religions are based on peace and love. But we all know the practice is a whole different ballgame. And religion should definitely have no place in politics.
The solution to this problem is very simple actually. We go back to the line this country is famous for: just act normal. And no, it is not normal to beat a young girl to a pulp because she had sex with her boyfriend (notice how the guy always gets away with it?). Just as it is not normal to beat someone to death because they asked you to turn the music down or to stop beating up someone else.
I think if we all stick to two extra rules, there will be no more problems.
- I won't bother you if you won't bother me
- If it ain't yours, don't take it
(Rule number one includes playing loud music on your mobile phone on buses and trains. This bothers me and will result in the phone either being rammed down your own throat or thrown out the window. Headphones were invented for a reason you know.)
As far as religion is concerned: this also falls in the category of rule number one. You can practice it, as long as it doesn't bother me. For religion I am now making an extra rule by the way: if your God is as allmighty as you say he is, trust in him to solve the problem and punish the bad guys. It is not up to you to decide who is wrong and who is right.
There, now we can all live together peacefully again.
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