I wish I could call this guy my friend!
His name is Randy Constan and he lives in Tampa Florida. He has 'a thing' for Peter Pan so he dresses like peter pan and has a whole site dedicated to this character.
So check out his site here, or add him as a friend on myspace and show him some love.
People like this make you realize your friends suck.
I know y'all have been working hard for the self esteem you have, but let me tell you. Unless your this guy (or Prince) you suck. You're boring. And I know you think you're all that, but no. You'll never have the balls this man has.
(to be fair, he is wearing spandex, which makes it more obvious)
Next week NixX & Nero will hold the first ever 'I'll be the judge of that!' contest.
Everyone is free to enter the contest.
So what we would like to see is a drawing, an essay, a video, a song or a sculpture of your childhood hero. It really can be anyone or anything as long as you believed it when you where a kid. And you can express yourself anyway you want even in dance or in Britney. I personally would like to see a photo of you dressed up as your hero, but like I said anything goes.
As long as it tells us who/what your hero was and the reason why this was your savior.
Judges will be yours truly, NixX and my 80 something year old grandpafriend Bluebeard.
And now for the prize: The Winner will get an official 'Be a pixie' picture, signed by Randy 'Peter Pan' Constan himself.
Everyone is free to enter the contest.
So what we would like to see is a drawing, an essay, a video, a song or a sculpture of your childhood hero. It really can be anyone or anything as long as you believed it when you where a kid. And you can express yourself anyway you want even in dance or in Britney. I personally would like to see a photo of you dressed up as your hero, but like I said anything goes.
As long as it tells us who/what your hero was and the reason why this was your savior.
Judges will be yours truly, NixX and my 80 something year old grandpafriend Bluebeard.
And now for the prize: The Winner will get an official 'Be a pixie' picture, signed by Randy 'Peter Pan' Constan himself.